I’m so excited I can barely stand it!
I hit the “go button” on Awake yesterday for Smashwords, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble and it is already available!
My book is out there for the general public to purchase and read! Oh. My. Gracious. So I guess this means I’m an author! I feel like Liv Tyler in That Thing You Do except instead of saying “Make a record? Like a record record record?” I’m saying “am I really an author? Like an author author author?” If you haven’t seen That Thing You Do and have no idea what I’m talking about stop reading now, go watch it, and come back. I’ll wait…
Want to snag a copy of Awake for yourself? You can find it on Smashwords for a variety of formats, on Barnes and Noble.com for Nook, and on Amazon for Kindle. The paperback version is coming soon! And if you want to win a copy then head on over to Indie Jane. We are giving away two copies – an ebook and a paperback!
To everyone who already bought my book yesterday – and those of you who were tweeting your favorite lines. I kind of love you all. I hope the hotness that is Luke Reed lived up to your expectations.