Monday, January 30, 2012

Trailer for Awake

My book comes out in just over a week! I debuted the pre-release trailer for it on my author blog on Friday, but I wanted you guys to see it too! Thanks so much to Victoria Austen-Young for putting it together, and to my hubs, Ed, for composing the score!

What do you guys think?

I can't wait for next Tuesday!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A New Sample of Awake

Last week I posted a new sample of my upcoming novel Awake: A Fairytale on my author site. I'd love for you to check it out and let me know what you think.

I am now counting down in days to the release! Yikes!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Well, hello there Winter!

There is really nothing more to say...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Last Year

I haven't done a year in review post because I felt like I didn't get much accomplished last year. I haven't been able to sew as much as I wanted, and even though I got two quilt tops down, I haven't had time to take nice pictures or blog about them. 2011 was just a weird year for sewing and crafting.

So, I don't have a lot of super gorgeous sewing related pictures to put in a fancy layout, but that doesn't mean I didn't get a lot done last year. I have no reason to feel unaccomplished, but I found myself feeling that way. To make myself feel better/gain perspective, here are a few things I did last year.

I moved. Three times. Seriously. And one of those moves was basically across the country. That's a pretty big accomplishment I think.

I wrote TWO books! This didn't really occur to me until recently, but it's true. I didn't start working on Awake: A Fairytale (other than that first few thousand words I managed in 2010) until March. I wrote the entire thing (those first few pieces hit the trash bin pretty early in the process) between late March and early June. Not only did I write and edit Awake this year, in November I wrote my second book, Attempting Elizabeth. Yeah, it is in rough draft form and I still have several scenes to add, plus the laborious process of editing, having it beta read, rewriting, editing, etc., but the fact remains, 53k words of that book were written in 2011. (If you add together what I've done this year on the two, it is about 144k words, wow).

I started a pretty cool website. Indie Jane was launched in July and we've had 24 thousand plus page views to date and have had fun establishing an online community. The book club on our message boards is starting a Pride and Prejudice group read this week. Each week's discussion questions are being hosted by an author of an indie P&P continuation or re-imagining. We have some great authors participating and our community members are the best!

All in all, I think it has been a pretty darn productive year and I hope to make 2012 even more so.