Saturday, May 21, 2011

Same, Same, 50k

It's really hard for me to write at home. I either have a toddler hanging on me (or they are doing something nefarious or climbing random furniture), or if for some reason the kids are asleep we usually have a baseball game on, or I am like, you know, falling over dead on my feet asleep.

So what I usually do is sneak out to Starbucks, or the library. But Starbucks has caffeine, so it kicks the library all hallow.

My little corner at Starbucks looks pretty much the same, me in my Mickey hoodie, with headphones on listening to Pandora (I find it easier to write YA fiction if I listen to bands that I used to listen to in high school, it's like method-acting but writing, so um, method-writing?) and a yummy, yummy white chocolate mocha next to my computer.

Pretty much the same . . .

and more of the same . . .

and if you do that often enough you hit a really big milestone like I did last week . . .

Fifty thousand words! I still have about 1/3 of my rough draft (or as I like to call it the "crap draft) to go, but having that first 2/3rds or so down feels absolutely fabulous!

Don't forget! Monday is the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day1 Make sure to stop by and enter my giveaway!


  1. Most excellent!! I'm so much a regular at my coffee shop that they tried to fire me today. And I've totally done method-writing before, and called it that even. It's a great, great way to get into the scene.

  2. you rock!! What a milestone, and you're still going strong?! Happy Day! Let it pour out!!

  3. Way to go! Gotta love knocking out some writing at Starbucks. The only thing missing is a cute coffee cozy for your cup.

  4. Wow! Fifty THOUSAND! You're amazing!


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